Friday, March 03, 2006

The thing about acronyms

You see acronyms everywhere!PIE,ECP,KJE....

A: "So how do you go to NTU?"
B: "Take the P.I.E.."
A: "HUH?pie??Take the pie n do wat??"

see?Acronyms gives us more trouble than its initial function:to help use to remember. Remember those days before IA, when we have to study all those computer terms?PLA,RAM,ROM..What help does it do when you can't even remember whats the full name for PLA??(in case u forgot, PLA= Programmable Logic Array)

This is also the case for ONS...a relatively simple terms, well known to all guys n gers in Singapore. ONS=One.Night.Stand. Simple eh?Yet so many people are ignorant of that?
"Oracle National Security","Oxygen Notification System" those can also be used for ONS rite?
imagine this scenario,

Wife:"How come you came home so late last night?"
Husband: "Oh, I had to work on my ONS"
*Wife gives the Husband a sucker punch to the chin*
At the hospital,
Wife:"You ok?"
Husband:"I didn't know you have such a big reaction to my new project?"
*Wife gives another tight slap*
(In any case, the husband was talking about his new project...yes you all got it, the Oxygen.Notifciation.System)

3 Simple letter, so much trouble in the end. Had the husband, just told the wife, the new project name, everything would have been solved right?So I say, take away all those short forms...the worst thing we have is either very thick textbooks or very long conversations...

you know why i'm blogging this??
Well thanks to Microsoft and oracle, I have to remember so much technical terms..SQL,BPEL,RAC,ASP,JSP???!?!
Why do i need to know so much for a bloody DBA exam?!!!!

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