Thursday, March 02, 2006

The thing about women

"Its not easy to understand women" said a friend of mine. Its true women are so difficult to understand nowadays. Especially with the 'ger power' and the equality of sex nowadays. Women tend to be more happy since they are doing what men are doing, it gives them a sense of power, the fact that a women can do what a men can do empowers them, especially the financial benefit. Now women can go buy pretty things without keep asking from the men.

However, according to a recent report by a reporter in The New York Times, (I'm not making this up, check technorati to validate =P) Women tend to be more happy when they are doing what they have been doing for eons...HOUSE-WIFE. Its true his report might have a lot of loop-holes, but it brings forward a very important point, that no 2 women are the same. So throw away those books about men are from mars and women are from Venus (women can be from the sun for all I care..), they can't tell men what women really is thinking, the books just tell us(men) how to handle women in different situations, not how you(women) think in those times.

On the other hand, like the coin with 2 sides..The theory on women been complicated have 2 grounds too. I personally think that women are not complicated, they just work on a different frequency than men. We fight, you all bitch. Its all the same, just that the presentation is different. Think about it, how many times do you(women) actually agree with us(men) on a certain thing? Frankly speaking, quite a lot. Just that sometimes agreeing with men just makes it wrong, thus you(women) find reasons to dis-agree. Right? Well, to tell you the truth, its the same for men too. This proves a very strong point right? That we are all the same.

Well, readers the stuff I've mentioned above might not be substantial. However thats the best I can do on an office computer with all my colleagues walking around.

Please comment, because I think I'm starting to like this blogging business. LOL


cl0udi3 said...

Let me officially welcome you to the blogging world. LOL

Augustine said...

LOL.. we wait for the ladies to bicker about what you said before we men answer back then lolz

This site has become a morning gathering place liao lolz