Friday, March 17, 2006

The thing about google

Didn't know why, don't know how, but i was bored after reading too much documentation and I did a search on google.

So what did search for?I searched for an image, and the search field? 'Ding Yixiang' !!!! Bo Liaoz rite?well its true...the things people can do when they are bored!!

"There are only 2 things that r infinite, 1) the universe 2) human's stupidity" --Albert Einstein

So following that 'law', i did a search, and you know what came out?

Apparently, I invented this formula!haha...Honestly, someone in china with the same name as me did... Stupid?

yah..haha...but I found a lot of old history i left on the internet since 12 yrs anyone interested, type in 'ding yixiang' in google, and know more about me! =]


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